Start Planning Now for Future Expenses

通过在大学期间了解一些基本的金钱知识,为自己未来的成功做好准备. Learning about borrowing in 和 out of college, 当你开始工作时,充分利用就业福利,建立储蓄目标,这些都是你财务健康的重要方面. 你越早开始计划,随着时间的推移,你的资产就越能增长. Whether you're still in college or beginning your career, there are many financial strategies to learn 和 practice. We’ve outlined some general advice to help get you started.

Renting an Apartment

Whether renting alone or with a friend, close to home or far away, renting your first post-graduate apartment takes some smarts. 遵循一些基本建议,确保你选择的房子在你的能力范围内. You can access helpful information regarding 住在校外 in the 学生生活 pages of the UNE website!

  • Budget Based on Your Income 和 Area
    一般的经验法则是,你的租金成本应该低于你收入的30%. Of course, in more urban markets, you may have to pay more. 一定要带一份租赁清单,并咨询网站,如 RentometerRentJungle 哪一个能让你对目标社区的租金有个大概的了解,从而帮助你明智地进行预算. Once you find a place, 一定要问一下租金可能上涨的情况,这样你就不会对你的新公寓感到惊讶. 
  • Budget for the Inevitable Extras
    一定要知道你的房租是否包括暖气、电费和其他水电费. 通常,从长远来看,包括水电费在内的租金会更便宜. If utilities are not included, you'll need to add these items to your budget, which can sharply increase the total cost to rent. If you're on the hook for utilities, 打电话给有地址的公司询问过去几年的账单,以便更好地掌握你所面临的成本和相应的预算.
  • 打动房东
    The rental market is competitive. 像对待潜在雇主一样对待你与潜在房东的面试. 把他们想知道的东西都准备好,给他们留下良好的第一印象. 带一个文件夹,里面有你的重要信息,并随身携带一张支票,以防你想要找到一个好的发现. If you haven't yet established credit or do not have rental history, start with these four pieces of advice:
    • Be ready with proof of income 和 dates of employment. 
    • Have one or two bank account statements with you, demonstrating that you have one or two months of payments banked.
    • 如果有人愿意为你在租约上签字,带他一起去开会. Have a co-signer agreement with you, ready for dates 和 signatures.
    • 提供一些推荐人——包括雇主和个人——以及联系方式.
  • ​​​Get Everything in Writing
    It may be tempting to avoid paperwork, 但是,依靠握手来达成任何协议都不是一个好主意, even an apartment rental. 租赁合同应该涵盖未来可能出现的所有问题和问题:你需要提前多久通知才能搬出去? Is your security deposit refundable? 当你离开公寓时,你负责修理房间里的东西吗? If you're uncertain about anything you're seeing, be sure to have someone with lease experience to read it with you. 
    如果你和室友签租约,你们可能都想考虑签一份 联合租赁协议, 这将详细说明每个人的责任和义务, which could help you avoid problems down the road.
    (Legal assistance websites like 火箭的律师 允许您创建免费帐户和免费文档,例如与租赁相关的文档.)
  • Do a Thorough Walk-Through When You Move In
    千万不要租一套公寓,至少要看一次,甚至两次. Before you sign anything or move in, 仔细检查一遍像炉子这样的东西很重要, 冰箱, 热, hot water 和 anything else major is in good working order. 注意, with your l和lord present, 可能的结果, 划痕和污迹,所以你不必为这些缺陷负责. 你的房东是否在这些笔记上签字,以表明他/她同意你的发现. 这可能是全额退还押金和在你准备离开时失去辛苦赚来的钱之间的区别.


美国联邦贸易委员会表示,一辆新车是仅次于住房的消费者最昂贵的消费. 再加上偿还学生贷款的可能费用, 你有三个主要的长期开支需要知识和计划. 在背负另一笔大笔贷款之前,你可能要考虑购买二手车和新车的利弊. 二手车会更便宜,贬值更慢,保险费用也更少. 一辆新车, 另一方面, 可能更安全, 拥有更多的小工具, offer better fuel efficiency, have lower maintenance 和 have better financing options. We recommend really digging in 和 doing your homework. 网上有大量的资源可以帮助你比较购车的利弊, 包括 埃德蒙兹凯利蓝皮书

Considering Benefits When L和ing a Job

对于一份工作,除了起薪,还有更多需要考虑的因素. Look for companies 和 organizations that offer retirement options, 健康保险, tuition reimbursement, paid time off 和 other benefits. 把这些选择看作是你薪水之外的额外收入,在决定去哪里工作的时候要考虑一下总的待遇.

Setting Financial Goals

  • 还清学生贷款债务和任何其他债务,你可能不得不以正确的方式开始. 偿还债务应该是你最优先考虑的事情,因为你每天都在为偿还债务的利息赔钱.
  • If you have extra cash, consider contributing to a retirement plan, like a 401k where your employer will often match your contributions. By contributing early, your money has a long time to grow. 一旦这些早期的投资时间过去了,你就再也找不回来了. 你需要对不同类型的退休基金进行研究. 富达投资(Fidelity Investments)提供了一些很好的建议! Fidelity also offers some h和y investment calculators,如果你愿意通过回答几个简短的问题来注册的话.
  • 总是把你薪水的一部分直接存入储蓄账户. Think of this as “paying yourself first.” The more you save, the more quickly your assets will grow. 
  • 随着你的学生贷款债务的减少,努力增加你的储蓄和投资. 
  • 只有在彻底研究并了解房屋所有权的“全部”成本后才要买房子. 在US 新闻这里做一些正规澳门赌场网络租房和买房的优势的功课吧 & 世界报告 “租和. Buying a 首页: Which is Smarter?"
  • ​Click here to read an article from the Washington Post on “5 financial milestones to reach in your 20s.”